Welcome tiny-comrade, K💕!

Urgent Ask & Announcement Early this morning, Alisha gave birth to a tiny new comrade, K💕, and both are now resting and recovering after a difficult birth experience (see full thread below the methods of giving)!! If you can, please send some love to them!Venmo @ SxHxCollectiveCashApp $ SxHxAl (Rose) Something we all feared mightContinue reading “Welcome tiny-comrade, K💕!”

Zine Nights are world building ✨

Our collective got together again last night for another zine making, meal sharing occasion—we also spent most of the evening reflecting on the past year’s organizing, survival and creative efforts. Making time and space for ourselves, together, is always so replenishing!

Alisha’s Freedom Day Anniversary!

Celebrating this beloved comrade today (and truly every day)! Happy SECOND Freedom Day anniversary, Alisha! TWO YEARS!!!! We give thanks every damn day that you’re home! Here’s to you, here’s to chosen fam, and here’s to a future without prisons! 💖🎉