PSA Symposium Reflections!

Feeling so much gratitude for everyone who came out to our talk “Learning Survivor Support from Sex Workers”, which took place during the Phoenix Survivors Alliance Symposium at the University of Chicago, today, April 20th! Red gave an overview of the history of our collective organizing, and Alisha (via video) and Red shared reflections onContinue reading “PSA Symposium Reflections!”

Chicago! Join us at the 2024 Sexual Violence Advocacy Symposium!

We’re excited to be joining the Phoenix Survivors Alliance on Saturday, April 20th, from 12-1:30pm, on the University of Chicago campus (a site of imperialist, colonial, racist, sexist violence historically) to talk about the profound connections between supporting survivors of gender-based and sexual violence and the movement to decriminalize the sex trades, and all survival.Continue reading “Chicago! Join us at the 2024 Sexual Violence Advocacy Symposium!”

Welcome tiny-comrade, K💕!

Urgent Ask & Announcement Early this morning, Alisha gave birth to a tiny new comrade, K💕, and both are now resting and recovering after a difficult birth experience (see full thread below the methods of giving)!! If you can, please send some love to them!Venmo @ SxHxCollectiveCashApp $ SxHxAl (Rose) Something we all feared mightContinue reading “Welcome tiny-comrade, K💕!”

Zine Nights are world building ✨

Our collective got together again last night for another zine making, meal sharing occasion—we also spent most of the evening reflecting on the past year’s organizing, survival and creative efforts. Making time and space for ourselves, together, is always so replenishing!

Alisha’s Freedom Day Anniversary!

Celebrating this beloved comrade today (and truly every day)! Happy SECOND Freedom Day anniversary, Alisha! TWO YEARS!!!! We give thanks every damn day that you’re home! Here’s to you, here’s to chosen fam, and here’s to a future without prisons! 💖🎉

Summertime Zine Nights!

Zine nights with the comrades 🥲💖 Our “Year Seven” zine is in the works! Making time to reflect, share and assess our work together over zine making, shit talking and food is essential to our collective process. Get you a crew that is fierce and joyful too. 🌈☂️

Upcoming “Interrupting Criminalization” event!

Mark your calendars! On Nov. 30 at 4-6 PM ET join Interrupting Criminalization for their latest online #NoMorePolice event, featuring editors/contributors to Abolition Feminisms—including our comrade, Alisha! They’ll be discussing the criminalization of survivors and how survivors are leading abolitionist movements. Register here.

Come Say “Hey!” @ Midwest Perzine Fest!

CHICAGO! One of our comrades will be tabling and we’re so looking forward to the Midwest Perzine Fest—this Saturday, Oct 8th at Columbia College’s Conaway Center, 1104 S Wabash Avenue, from 10 am to 4 pm! Been looking to snag more of our zines to support our organizing/political education/storytelling/survival/thriving?! Here’s your chance! More details (includingContinue reading “Come Say “Hey!” @ Midwest Perzine Fest!”

Grateful for USU comrades!

Thank you to everyone who was on and/or helped organize the URBAN SURVIVORS UNION NATIONAL sex worker call tonight. So much understanding, compassion and knowledge. Feeling seen! All our love and appreciation 💓